Leah had a large YouTube following when she started teaching piano online

Students of all ages can learn to play piano through Leah’s in-depth courses, tutorials, weekly challenges, and more.


YouTube subscribers


Video views


Free trial days

Leah’s library of resources allows students to learn piano at their own pace.


A few takeaways from Leah’s success:

Meet the owner

Leah Murphy is a piano teacher and the owner of Le Chéile Music Studio. At age 15, Leah quit piano lessons which resulted in years of playing catch-up. But through her journey and tons of research, she learned game-changing tips, methods, and more that make it possible to learn piano at any age!

Before starting her membership, Leah was focused on providing in-person, 1:1 lessons and growing her YouTube following by offering guidance on common piano student problems. By turning her knowledge into an online business, Leah is able to reach and serve more people.


Leah shared her membership journey with us. Find out what she had to say in our Q&A.

Which digital products do you sell?

Content library, community, online course, events

What is the pain point you solve for your customers?

Learning piano

What were you doing before your membership business?

Teaching one-on-one lessons

What challenges did you have in the early stages of your business? How did you solve those challenges?

Figuring out a membership model that worked for me. An early attempt at YouTube channel membership didn’t work well, but using MemberSpace on my website made things easier.

Were there any keys to success, or big "a-ha!" moments that really elevated the growth of your business?

Offering a lead magnet to build an email list

Did you have a social media following or large email list before you started your membership? Which platform(s) was your audience on, and how did you initially grow your audience there?

Yes, YouTube. I used my knowledge of common student problems to build a following, currently at 33k.

How do you market your membership and find new members?

Currently through my YouTube videos and email list.

Do you spend any money on paid advertisements?


Have you done anything to focus on retention and reduce canceled members?

Having members give a reason for leaving has been really helpful, but I also focus on keeping members regularly engaged with weekly and monthly activities.

What are some of your favorite online tools for running your business?

Canva, Filmora, Google Drive, WeTransfer

Do you have a team helping with your membership business?

Nope, just me!

What's your source of inspiration?

Lots of podcasts!

If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?

Your ideas are worth listening to, you don’t have to have everything figured out to get started, and get yourself assessed for ADHD!

What's next for your business?

I’m working on reaching a certain level of content and will soon start investing in paid advertising.