how to create and sell eBooks

How to Create and Sell an eBook – Monetize your Writing in 5 Steps

In the world of self-publishing, countless tools are available to help you bring your eBook to life. However, many of these platforms come with limitations, requiring you to host your product on their site and adhere to their pricing and formatting guidelines. By choosing to sell your eBook directly through your own website, you gain tons of flexibility and full control over your content.

You can bundle your eBooks, offer them as part of a membership package, or sell them individually, all while keeping the focus on growing your own online presence. In this post, we’ll guide you through five simple steps to create and sell your eBook with MemberSpace. 

Sell your eBook!

The easiest way to accept membership payments or one-time charges for digital products like podcasts, online courses, communities, content libraries, and more — all from your own website!

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Table of Contents

Step 1: Use a Canva template to create your eBook

The easiest way to turn your eBook draft into a professional-looking digital product is by using a Canva template. Simply sign up for a free account and choose from over 1,500 eBook templates! Once you’ve pasted in your content and customized the template by adding your own images, branding elements, and adjusting the fonts and colors, you can save it out as a PDF to sell on your website. 

eBook Canva templates
Canva has thousands of eBook templates to choose from that make it simple to design and format your work.

If you need some inspiration, check out these eBooks created by MemberSpace customers. 

Step 2: Set up a sales page

To promote and accept payments for your eBook, you’ll need to set up a sales page on your website. This is where you’ll share the value of your book and what your readers can expect to gain from purchasing it. What new skills or information will they have after they finish reading? How will this information change their lives? Share all of that in your description, as well as an eye-catching screenshot or preview of what’s inside, and your pricing information, and a “Buy Now” button. 
selling eBook example
MemberSpace customer Somewhere Worthwhile bundles digital guide, "Laid-Back Magic" with other perks like a members-only forum and travel planning library.

Step 3: Create a download page

Next you’ll need to create a page on your website where your customers can download your eBook. This page will be locked in the next step, so it’s only accessible once someone pays on your website. 

In your site’s navigation, be sure to nest the download page(s) beneath the public sales page. It will look something like this:

Step 4: Protect your eBook with MemberSpace

To lock the page where customers will download your eBook, you’ll need to use MemberSpace and create a new Product. Here’s how it works:

  1. When it asks What are you selling access to?, select Other.
  2. Give your eBook a name.
  3. Add the URL for your download page. 

This will require customers to fill out a signup and payment form before they get access to your eBook. 

Selling eBook with MemberSpace
You can restrict access to any pages on your website with MemberSpace, so only paying customers can access your eBook.

✨ eBook Tip: For added security,  upload your eBook file to MemberSpace to protect the download link. This helps to ensure the file can only be accessed by customers who’ve purchased the eBook directly. You can also add our extra security code to your protected page.

Step 5: Set a price

Now, it’s time to decide how you’ll accept payments for your eBook! MemberSpace has a built-in Stripe integration to handle payment processing via credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. All you have to do is select how you will sell access to your product. Some popular options include:

  • Selling an individual eBook for a one time payment
  • Dripping out chapters or excerpts of your eBook overtime and charging a recurring subscription fee
  • Bundling a series of eBooks 
  • Giving away some eBooks for free as a lead magnet
Pricing for eBook
With MemberSpace, you can sell your eBook for a one-time payment, bundle it with other digital products, or drip out access chapter by chapter with a membership payment.

Step 5: Start selling and promoting your eBook!

Once you’ve set up your website pages and locked in your pricing, you’re ready to start selling your eBook on your site! Just grab the Signup link from the Pricing tab – this link will open up a signup form on your website for customers to quickly create an account and pay for your eBook. You can add the link anywhere you’d like, such as:

  • Your “buy now” button on your sales page
  • Other call-to-action buttons on your website
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Social media posts
Use your signup link anywhere you want to sell access to your eBook - on your website, CTA buttons, social media, etc.

Final Thoughts

Creating and selling your own eBook is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others while building your online presence. By using tools like Canva and MemberSpace, you can simplify the process of designing, publishing, and selling your digital product directly from your website. To get started, sign up for a free MemberSpace trial, and let us know if you have any questions!

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